Saturday, August 13, 2005

Week End.

I used to hate weekends.

I used to hate today especially.

I guess all it takes is the guts to have the initiative, instead of waiting.

Now I still find weekends boring, but at least I've stopped feeling this bad.

I'm happy right now. Happy, that in spite of everything that's happened, I still have my friends with me. I realized that instead of being a friend myself, I've become selfish. I'll be the first to admit that. I want to be there for her, but instead, added more burden on her shoulders. I won't do that again. That's a promise I intend to keep.


There's a touching scene in the 6th episode of Ichigo 100%, the only episode so far that has nothing to do with the male libido.

This girl Nishino is 'celebrating' her birthday. But in reality, she's depressed because she wants to spend time with this boy named Manaka. But they don't meet very much now that they're in different schools. So she goes out with a friend to do some shopping. It turns out that her friend was just setting her up with a blind date, a senior at her school. The said guy then tries to kiss her but Nishino kicks him in the face. He tells Nishino that in this generation, kisses aren't that big a deal. HE even tells her, "A kiss is just like a handshake." Nishino gets upset and bolts. She hasn't even been kissed before.

So she decides to call Manaka and meet up with him. Manaka gets worried because it's late at night and Nishino sounded desperate. When he finally meets her, she's holding 2 slices of cake. Manaka forgets that it's her birthday but Nishino doesn't mind. He's here now, with her. After they eat, Nishino thanks Manaka.

Then she asks him to shake hands with her.

Nishino leaves Manaka confused and unsure of what just happened.

Yes, it may sound cheesy to some.

I've always loved cheese, myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ui, jensen! cool blog! wahahaha wla lng... link me! ^-^

8:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wahehehe thanks :D will do!

8:39 PM  

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