The Parable of the Whatever Girl
Once upon a time, there lived a girl whose name was inconsequential.
She lived in a world called "Planet Green." The girl lived a hectic life, and as with all lives, she lived a troublesome one. However, she was a strong-willed one, and she had the support of a loved one whose name is also inconsequential.
She was a girl full of paradoxes.
She was a girl full of conflicts.
She was a girl full of herself.
One day, Paradoxical Girl was hanging out with her political group called "Honest." In this "Honest" political group, there existed a person of 9/10 outward beauty. In case the parable readers are wondering, beauty is meant as handsome. And so, Conflicting Girl developed a "little crush" on "Pretty Boy Floyd."
After a few days of nothing, Girl-Full-Of-Herself got a chance to spend a whole day with Pretty Boy Floyd. And so she took advantage of this "chance" that was offered to her. All day long, her Green Planet friends saw the flirtation going on between them- with the exception of her loved one, who was stuck in Planet F.
One by one, they were struck dumb as she blithely ignored the fact that both she and Pretty Boy Floyd already had relationships with other people.
After the Green Planet day was over and Pretty Boy Floyd had already gone out, Girl-Full-Of-Herself even had the gall to brag that they spent the day together. Complete with swoon effect. And she had the greater gall to tell her friends not to tell her loved one who was in Planet F.
This parable ends without an ending, although given the fact that repeated attempts by her friends to stop the shit she was shitting failed to convince her, this can only end badly.
The moral of this parable is:
True love is elusive.
You know, in my present situation, I can't help but be confused by people who throw away the love they have carelessly. Don't these people realize that true love is one of the greatest gifts ever given? HAve they forgotten how hard it is to love but not to be loved?
Don't they realize that they are one of the most blessed people on earth for having found love?
She lived in a world called "Planet Green." The girl lived a hectic life, and as with all lives, she lived a troublesome one. However, she was a strong-willed one, and she had the support of a loved one whose name is also inconsequential.
She was a girl full of paradoxes.
She was a girl full of conflicts.
She was a girl full of herself.
One day, Paradoxical Girl was hanging out with her political group called "Honest." In this "Honest" political group, there existed a person of 9/10 outward beauty. In case the parable readers are wondering, beauty is meant as handsome. And so, Conflicting Girl developed a "little crush" on "Pretty Boy Floyd."
After a few days of nothing, Girl-Full-Of-Herself got a chance to spend a whole day with Pretty Boy Floyd. And so she took advantage of this "chance" that was offered to her. All day long, her Green Planet friends saw the flirtation going on between them- with the exception of her loved one, who was stuck in Planet F.
One by one, they were struck dumb as she blithely ignored the fact that both she and Pretty Boy Floyd already had relationships with other people.
After the Green Planet day was over and Pretty Boy Floyd had already gone out, Girl-Full-Of-Herself even had the gall to brag that they spent the day together. Complete with swoon effect. And she had the greater gall to tell her friends not to tell her loved one who was in Planet F.
This parable ends without an ending, although given the fact that repeated attempts by her friends to stop the shit she was shitting failed to convince her, this can only end badly.
The moral of this parable is:
True love is elusive.
You know, in my present situation, I can't help but be confused by people who throw away the love they have carelessly. Don't these people realize that true love is one of the greatest gifts ever given? HAve they forgotten how hard it is to love but not to be loved?
Don't they realize that they are one of the most blessed people on earth for having found love?
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