Thursday, November 10, 2005

Snobs and I

I've become addicted to another song, this time by Vertical Horizon.

"He's everything you want 
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why"

-Everything You Want

What is a snob?

Wikipedia gives the following definition: "A snob, guilty of snobbery or snobbism, is a person who imitates the manners, adopts the world-view and affects the lifestyle of a social class of people to which that person does not by right belong."

I think the snob's mindset is that although he does not "by right" belong to his chosen social class, he belongs to it "by privilege."

I learned a lesson from reading Archie comic books. (On a side note, Archie comic books have been important factors in shaping my heart and soul. Such is the power and wisdom of Archie comics.) Anyway, as I've said, I got an important rule-of-the-thumb from Archie.

"Everyone is a snob, in his or her own way."

I can see the truth in that. A person might be a muscle-type of snob. Another might be a snob of a brainy-type. People are snobs in their own little fields of proficiency, thus my conclusion that snobs belong by privilege.

And myself? I'm a not-studying snob. I pride myself on achieving the status of being able to not study and still get good grades, and stay with people on the same level. Okay, maybe I get lower grades than other people who are as smart as me AND study as well, but for a snob like me, that's besides the point. The point which says that, "Yes, I am better than thou because I can get away with not studying."

There is one drawback to being a not-studying snob, though.

Actually, there are two. One being that people assume that since I get high grades, I study, and thus I am industrious. Which couldn't be farther from the truth of me.

Second, and more importantly, I always think, "What if?" What if I had studied? What if I had paid attention in lectures? Could it be that my high grades obtained from not studying soar even higher just by taking down notes? Could it be that my potential to be great will only stay a potential, and not become realized?

Oh, I guess those are the pitfalls of being a glorified snob. :)