Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Life is an Ice Cube...

... It will melt eventually, but right now, it's cool.

College exposes a person to so many different people. Well, I know college exposed me to a lot. Something just hit me during our Volleyball PE period this afternoon when I made a bit of a fool of myself in front of classmates I don't know. Looking at all the Star Scholars in the place (coincidence or conspiracy?), I've just made the realization that whatever talents I have, there will always be someone who'll be better than me. I may write well, but other people write well AND play the gee-tar AND look good ALL at the same time. I can only write well.

It's a humbling realization, to say the least.

In other news,
Youtube - A Place to Share and Watch Videos

Now this site has been taking a lot of my time, mostly because of my insanely-slow dial-up internet speed. I first learned of this site from a blog entry raving about a video showing someone who beat Emerald Weapon (FF7) in little over a minute. Having watched the video, my jaws dropped. Then I started thinking about videos to watch.

I've just finished watching the ending for Fatal Frame 2, the game that Jon will never finish, because we're all too scared to play it. I must admit though, that the game really good at scaring people. The ending's nice, and the song at the finish was really beautiful (although I couldn't understand what it was saying- Japanese).

I also watched a music video of Buffy the Vampire Slayer maded by a fan, for the fans.

Speaking of Buffy, I really miss the show. The Sooby Gang really helped brighten up some of my drab high school days. I especially like their relationships with each other and the witty banter and situations that crop up inevitably.

To modify a quote in the farewell strip of Peanuts:
"Buffy, Angel, Xander, Willow, Spike, Cordelia, Anya, Tara, Oz, Giles, yes, even Jonathan, the guy who had his own little sidestory drama going on- who can ever forget them?"


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