Monday, January 16, 2006

Har de Har

Let's see..

I've just finished my first entry in my soon-to-be-revealed fictional blog, although it's only 3 paragraphs. I've managed to make up a rudimentary storyline. Although the story goes as the mood wanders. Har har.

I've got a lot of homework and extracurricular stuff to do, BUT I'm lacking in ambition. I don't have the "drive to strive" (little rhyming fun there, folks). And I've just read in TIME magazine that people with ambition are those we see rise to the top. Maybe so. Help, please?

I want a girlfriend. Har har. ABCD... Har har.

Just something I wanted to share, as this is my first e-group posting in quite a while:
(Taken from my DLSU CCS e-group)

Not to be "rude" (to quote someone here), but some of the past few
messages which are quite SMS-like are the reasons why I check that
little white box next to the daily digest of this e-group and choose
to "Mark it as Read" without even opening it. It's partly why I miss
important announcements, because I simply have no patience wading
through pages of spam to find the announcements.

There's a reason why we have an e-group, to get important
announcements, not to read everyone's opinion on the current hot
topic. If you have something worthwhile to add, it's cool to share,
but if your message is just a reiteration of what has already been
said, with the added bonus of being text-message-like in nature, then
please forget it. Or better yet, post it in our inactive forums where
you can sound off whenever you please.

Just a reminder, then. Not all SPAM are forwarded chain letters.
Messages like "Hey I agree with whatever message #xxx said" can also
be considered spam.

Please be considerate to people who don't relish having to clean their
inboxes 3 times a day just to find an important announcement.

Har har.